Mallorcan Wildflower

Mallorcan Wildflower Identification Guide
These pages are ongoing and will become more organised and seasonally orientated over the year.
Colours are loosely grouped. Blossom colour: white, pink,lavender, viole, t blue, purple, green
Asteriscus aquaticus Asteriscus aquaticus
Capseta. (Cat.)
Annual Mediterranean plant with small yellow flowers. Its very short petals distinguish it from asteriscus maritimus. Widespread in garrigues, arid and coastal areas. In bloom from May to August.
Asteriscus maritimus Asteriscus maritimus
Sea Daisy or Sea Aster, Mediterranean Beach Daisy, Gold Coin.
Longer petals than the maritimus Tough leathery silvery-green foliage. Exceptionally long flowering period. Drought tolerant. Widespread in coastal and arid areas. Flowers remain open at night.
Oxalis Oxalis pes-caprae
Fel i vinagre, Flor d'Avellana, Vinagrella. (Cat.)
Cape Sorrel, Bermuda Buttercup.
Lemon yellow flower and clover-like leaf. Not known to reproduce by seed in Europe fortunately, as prolific producer of a string of tiny egg-like bulbs that reproduce rapidly the following season. Almost impossible to eradicate in the garden. Has a pleasant sour taste due to the presence of oxalic acid. Widespread.
Wild clematis Clematis cirrhosa var. balearica
Member of the buttercup family. Fragrant, evergreen climber with small, glossy, fern-like foliage with dark-green leaves, and small cup-shaped cream flowers, with brownish-orange speckles inside. Silky feathery seedpods. Flowering late winter early spring. Widespread in hedgerows and scrub.
Honeysuckle Lonicera periclymenum
Marisilva (Mallorcan)
Honeysuckle, European honeysuckle, Woodbine.
Vigourous woody climber. Fragrant, particularly at night and after rain. Pollinated by both moths and bees. Develops red berries. Widespread in hedgerows and shady places throughout Mallroca.
Yellow Horned Poppy Glaucium flavum
Carxofera de prat. Cascall banyut. Cascall marí.(Cat.)
Yellow Horned Poppy. Sea Poppy
Silky yellow flower head on bluish-grey foliage lasting one day only. Seedpod exceptionally long and sickle shaped with twin chambers containing many seeds. Edible seeds with hallucogenic effects characterized by colourful images. Biennial or short-lived perennial. Coastal areas.
Verbascum sinuatum Verbascum sinuatum
Blenera sinuada, Múria,Trepó, Tripó bord. (Cat.)
Wavyleaf Mullein
Mulleins are also known as velvet plants. The flowers have five symmetrical petals, most commonly yellow, growing along long stalks up to 3 metres tall. Biennial. June to September. Widespread. Roadsides and cultivated fields.
Ecballium elaterium Ecballium elaterium
Cogombre amarg, esquitxagossos. (Cat.)
Squirting cucumber, exploding cucumber.
A member of the cucumber family. When its fruit is mature its squirts a visible stream of liquid containing its seeds. This stream may reach 3 metres. Hence its name. The slightest contact or vibration when ripe provokes this reaction. Leaves and stems rough and covered with hairs, making the plant unpleasant to the touch. Both the plant and its fruit are poisonous. Widespread along roadsides and in fields.
Reseda luteola Reseda luteola
Disciplinant, Gabarró, Galsa, Gualda, Paiola. (Cat.)
Dyer’s Rocket, Dyer’s Weed, Weld, Woold, Yellow Weed.
Once the source of a natural bright yellow dye known as weld, possibly in use by early Man prior even to woad or madder. Biennial producing only leaves the first year. The flower spike can reach over one metre in height. Flowers in late spring - early summer in cultivated fields, along paths and roadsides and on waste ground