Arenal beach after the crowds have left.
Pelagia noctiluca, the mauve stinger
Detailed illustration of mauve stinger
Trachinus radiatus hiding in the sand

Beach Alert. Summer 2010
Warmer waters and the extinction of predators bring less welcome visitors to Mallorca.

Pelagia noctiluca, the jellyfish also known as the Mauve Stinger, is being seen more and more frequently off Mallorcan beaches.  If you are bitten by one, do not rub the bite. Wash it with salt water, never fresh water. Ice in a bag applied to the affected area helps to relieve the pain. Remove the pieces of the jellyfish with tweezers, sticks or wear gloves. If you notice any side effects such as respiratory complications, convulsions, cardiac alterations, nausea or vomiting, seek medical advice in the nearest hospital.

The Trachinus radiatus or Weever fish generally lurks in the sand with only its eyes and dorsal fin above the surface. Contact with the fin releases a poison that directly affects the central nervous system. Immediate hospital attention is needed, as the sting is dangerous and may even be lethal particularly, and as always, for the young and the elderly.

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